Life Lived with Love
A Mental Health Caregiver Community
A Product of:
Mental Health Caregiving
43.5 M Caregivers in the US provide unpaid care. Mental Health Caregivers are included. Isolation is an issue/concern.
Bulletin Board
Share General Caregiver Information & Resources
17I'm A New Caregiver
Discovering you are a Mental Health Caregiver can be overwhelming. Meet others, share, and build a community of support.
14I'm A Caregiver
Managing life and Caregiving is a major chore. By now you've figured some things out. Share, vent, coordinate, and build
16Employed Caregivers
Juggling the responsibilities of Caregiving and full time employment can be very challenging. Share, meet, and exchange.
14Men Care Too
Men make up a large population of Caregivers today. Meet other male caregivers, share,support, and build.
13LGBT Caregivers
Caregivers in the LGBT community face unique challenges and additional stigmas. Meet, support and build here.
14Caregivers Of Incarcerate
Caregivers who care for loved ones who become incarcerated face additional challenges. Meet, build, and share here.
12Milennial Caregivers
There is a rise in the numbers of Caregivers in the Milennium generation. Some are teens. Create, share, and build here.
10The Green T Room
Come here to ask questions of featured guests and professionals.
- La Shawn L. Splane-Wilburn, Founder of HomagiMay 26, 2021Bulletin BoardImage Credit: The new trend in Healthcare thanks to Covid19 is TeleHealth, it’s not a new technology because it existed long before the pandemic, but was mostly a service available to privately insured. There are some concerns about the the privacy in using TeleHealth because of sensitive patient data. HIPPA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), pre-pandemic were very serious about patient data, but relaxed a good deal of their codes due to the increased and urgent need for medical care and access. The relaxed regulations are coming to an end this year(2021) and that’s good for patients, but what about the data that’s been collected during the “relaxed regulatory periods”? As a MHF Caregiver I know how much of a luxury it would be to not have to convince a loved one to leave the house with you to go to their doctors appointment. I can only imagine that the MHF Caregiver with a loved one who is a wheel chair user. My question and concern os the accessibility to individuals who don’t have private insurance to cover the luxury. What do you think about TeleHealth? Would you use it if it was available to you? Image credit:
- La Shawn L. Splane-Wilburn, Founder of HomagiMar 09, 2021Bulletin Board
- La Shawn L. Splane-Wilburn, Founder of HomagiFeb 08, 2021Like