Thank you for joining the Care-Fully community our caregivers are an important part of this community. It is important that everyone understands they have a place here. There are no 'outcasts' here. Everyone is experiencing their journey in their own unique way and there is nothing right or wrong about that, it just is.
We all learn to manage our caregiving and our health in a way that is effective for us. Bringing all of our cultural differences, various mental health disorder experiences, relapse experiences, caregiving experiences, health and relationship experiences together gives us the opportunity to grow and expand our knowledge of things and experiences outside of ourselves and our families. These experiences will unite some of us and will educate some of us as well.
We will not always agree but I do ask that we are respectful of one another. Please view the "Care-Fully Community Guidlines" for our policy on community "manners". It shouldn't have to be said but sometimes we need a gentle nudge or the door closed behind us to jar us into reality of being kind to others go a long way.
We all have enough challenges on our plate we don't need another social media battleground.
At this time I am doing the job of the Administrator and Moderator as well as "walking through" the posts for inappropriate language or bullying. As our community grows that monitoring will become more of a challenge so please feel free to notify me of what may be "abusive language" or "hatespeech"
At this time anyone in the community can start a discussion thread that's how it should be, everyone being a community contributor. Please be mindful of the content you post and images you post.
I look forward to meeting all of you and I hope you find community here!