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CAREGIVER TOOL KIT: Taking Control of Your Peace

La Shawn Splane-Wilburn

“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” ― Virginia Woolf

You never really know how much control you have over your peace until you commit to focusing on and drawing more peace to you. I have learned to manage my mental health and design my life. I’ve learned so much and some of it was really life changing while some of it I still work hard to master. I’m not a dietician so please know all that I share with you is what I’ve learned during my research and what has worked for me. Doing your own research and modifying what you find to fit your life is what is important. Sometimes having a template to work from inspires our own creativity and desire to learn more.

I shared on the Homagi Mindful May campaign on Periscope the importance of being deliberate about our lives with meditation, mindfulness, as well as eating, sleeping and waking. We don’t give much thought to the latter as they are normally second nature but they have a huge impact on how we feel and the amount of peace we feel. I wanted to share a few websites I used to learn new ways of managing my life and squeezing out the most peace that I can get. I share in 2 blogs this month how to get more quality out of your day by how you wake up, meditate, and go to bed. I wanted to share with you how I took initiative and became deliberate about my meditation life, supplements, and self help tools. It's all about how important our self care and caring for our self is.

Google Is Your Friend

Much of what has helped me to be successful on this journey has come from lots of research and Google has been a huge part of that. Only you know what is missing in your tool kit right now today and with that information you can build a plan to start taking your self care more seriously. I included a few resources I have used just to give you a template to work from. Proactive is the key word here. You must be willing to do the work to get to where you want to be.

Caregiving is only part of who we are. Our lives have so much more to them and until we make them our priority we will continue to feel neglected and forgotten. With all of the chaos you may wonder will I ever find peace again and the answer is, if you are looking for it. You have to be deliberate and consistent. You cannot cheat yourself.

Try for starters Googling "foods that make you feel good" and then search for ways to incorporate them into your diet. Look for supplements that help you to feel peaceful and incorporate them into your diet as well. With so many resources online that are free we are able to help ourselves as much as we are willing to work hard to find the information.

Podcasts are a great tool for learning more about peace and being peaceable. Search Google for Podcasts about peace by entering : Peace + Podcasts + Free or you can use: Free Audio books about peace. YouTube is a great resource for everything you can think of. Using the same search format I gave you for Google can help you to locate valuable resources online to help yourself.

Here are a few resources to help you to get started. I promised I would share some on the scope and here they are:

Hopefully you’ll find some resources to help you start on your journey to researching how to have a peaceful and quality of life as you continue on your caregiving journey. I’ll be sharing more soon.

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